Adding More Physical Activity Into Your Day

Woman walking in park

We all lead incredibly busy lives and oftentimes when our schedules get too full, physical activity can be the first thing to go. Or maybe physical activity was not a huge part of the daily routine, to begin with. Whatever the case, adding more physical activity to your day does not have to mean spending hours at the gym or walking outside. Below are several ways to sneak a little more activity in without ever having to go inside of a gym. Give some a try and maybe add your own to the list!

While Running Errands:

  • Pick a parking spot further away from where you need to go.
  • If possible, look to take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator or treat the escalator like stairs.
  • Instead of using the drive-through, park your car and walk inside.


While at Work:

  • If you have a phone call for work or are having a personal chat, take it on the go! Walk outside or take some steps around your home as you talk and listen.
  • Take a small standing or quick walk break in the final five minutes of each hour of your workday.
  • Replace your desk chair with a yoga ball to sit on.
  • Consider replacing your desk with a standing desk
  • Keep a full glass of water with you during your workday; you’ll not only be hydrated but you’ll be taking more steps to use the bathroom more often
  • If possible, go to a co-worker’s desk rather than emailing or calling them


While at Home:

  •  If you are at home and have a flight of stairs, try going up and down them a few times a day.
  • Check some household chores off your list; cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming count as physical activity.
  • Sneak in some movement while you watch TV; leg lifts, pushups, squats, lunges, etc.
  • If you have kids or grandkids who like to play at the park or in the yard, join them.
  • If you are making plans with friends, consider going for a walk together.
  • Stand while folding laundry.
  • Do a quick set of calf raises in the shower.