The Benefits of Family Meals and Eating with Others


In our busy lives, many people are eating fewer meals with their friends and/or family and instead are having a rushed bite standing at their counter, at their desk in-between emails, in their car on the go, or in front of the TV at the end of a long day. While we may think we are saving time multitasking with our grab-and-go approach, what we're doing is missing out on the advantages of communal eating and preparing meals at home. Eating and cooking with loved ones creates a shared experience that is not only meaningful but can provide a variety of health and stress-related benefits.

 1. Family Meals
 Family meals are associated with increased intake of fruits, vegetables, and grains while tied to decreased intake of fried foods and sugary beverages. Preparing and eating family meals at home allows you to be in control of the ingredients in your meals as well as opportunities to include healthier options such as more vegetables. Along the same lines, family meals can be an opportunity to introduce new fruits and vegetables and adults can act as role models in tasting these new foods.
 2. Positive Brain Chemicals
 Eating with loved ones has been shown to activate feel-good chemicals in the brain. Sharing a meal lets us engage in conversation, laughter, and bonding which allows for the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that has been linked to stress and anxiety reduction.
3. Improved Digestion
 Enjoyable experiences, such as a shared connection during a meal can trigger your parasympathetic nervous system which is your "rest and digest" nervous system. As this system is triggered, your digestive tract can experience increased absorption of nutrients and the prevention of unpleasant indigestion symptoms such as bloating or heartburn. 
 Sharing a meal with loved ones is not only an opportunity to spend time with them but an opportunity to take positive steps towards your health goals as well. We encourage you to enjoy your next meal with friends and/or family!