Pets in Bed

Golden retriever on bed

We love our furry family members and many of us sleep with them every night. Individuals who do not suffer from sleeping issues may find it perfectly fine to share a bed with their pets. However, many others who experience difficulty falling and staying asleep might consider the unthinkable: banishing their pet from their bedroom at night.
Some pets are very active during the night they can move around in their sleep, readjust their sleeping position, kick, scratch themselves and some may even hog the covers. Nighttime disturbances from your pet may lead to bigger issues for you such as inability to fall asleep, inability to stay asleep, and restlessness that does not allow you to reach deep sleep. Squirmy pets may, unfortunately, keep you from getting the amount of quality sleep you need to stay healthy. 
If you experience allergies it may be best to not allow pets to be in your bedroom at all. A pet allowed to spend time in the bedroom and to sleep in the bed with you has the potential to bring in pet dander, outside allergens, and grime from their fur and paws which may linger in your bedding and your room.