Physical Activity That Requires No Equipment

Man walking across street

Sometimes the idea of being active can feel daunting. Unfamiliar equipment, expensive gym memberships, and loud environments can seem like frustrating barriers. Fortunately, being active and participating in physical activity does not have to mean stepping foot into a gym. You can move your body just as effectively at home using your body weight or items you probably have on hand. Check out the list below for some inspiration on how to participate in physical activity using no equipment! Add your favorite non-equipment moves to the list. 
Body Weight Activities

  • Squats - use the back of a chair for balance
  • Lunges - use the back of a chair for balance
  • Push-ups - can be modified to do on your knees or upright against an empty wall

Cardio Activities

  • Going for a walk or run in your neighborhood
  • Jumping jacks
  • Butt kicks

 Adding a Little Extra with Items From Your Home:

  • Canned items or laundry detergent containers for hand weights
  • Wear a backpack with items inside as a weighted vest
  • Large towel for an exercise or yoga mat
  • Stairs for extra cardio or calf raises