How Much Sleep is a Good Amount to Get?

Person in bed with covers over this face holding glasses

Getting enough sleep is essential throughout our lives! It allows our bodies and minds to rest and recharge from the previous day as well as prepare for the upcoming one. So now that we know sleep is important, how much sleep do we need?

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults ages 18 and older need anywhere from 7 - 9 hours per night to function properly and obtain the benefits a full night of sleep has to offer. Teenagers, children, and infants need more as they are constantly growing and developing and the proper amount of sleep allows them to do so.

Like anything with our bodies, sleep can also be individualized. You may find you need more or less sleep depending on factors such as your overall health, your daily energy output, and how much caffeine you consume. However, increasing evidence suggests that a healthy night of sleep at an amount that works for you assists in boosting productivity during the day. It is often common for people to equate less sleep with more time to work, complete tasks, and get things done. While less sleep may provide us with more hours during the day, we are not necessarily the best and most fruitful version of ourselves. Sleep deprivation can cause us to be unfocused, unproductive, and sleepy! We encourage you to strive to get a full night of quality sleep so that you can be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.