Buying Local Food

Fruit and vegetable stand

Local food is food that is grown, raised, and manufactured within a short distance (typically 100 miles) of where it is purchased and consumed. Locally grown and purchased food has many benefits, not only for your health but for your community and the planet.
 For Your Health

  • Locally grown food often retains more nutrients as it is often picked at its peak freshness and does not have to travel as far to arrive at its destination.
  • Locally grown in-season fruits and vegetables may be more flavorful.
  • Typically, locally grown fruits and vegetables are picked in season and at peak ripeness; they do not have to be ripened with chemicals.
  • Many smaller, local farmers may use little to no pesticides and chemicals for their fruits and vegetables.

  For Your Community and the Planet

  • Eating locally grown and raised food reduced CO2 emission because food has less distance to travel to its destination.
  • Local farmers who are well compensated for their products are less likely to sell their land to developers, preserving green space.
  • Supporting local farmers and local food products helps to support and keep money within your community.


How To Find Locally Grown and Produced Food in Your Area

  • Do an online search for farmer's markets in your area. Many markets operate throughout the summer and into the early fall and are a wonderful place to purchase locally grown food and locally made goods from your community.
  • Community-supported agricultural programs (CSAs) are set up so that people can purchase produce directly from local farmers. Do an online search for CSAs in your area.
  • Local food co-ops may be an option in your area. A food co-op is a grocery store that is owned by the individuals who shop there. Members get to decide what foods and products are available and what vendors will supply the store.
  • Community gardens may be available in your area. In a community garden, individuals can purchase a small area within the garden where they can grow their fruits, vegetables, and flowers.