Health Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

Child and adult walking through woods


Whether it's going for a walk around your neighborhood, heading out for a camping trip or hike, or simply having a picnic in your backyard, spending time outside can be an easy, enjoyable, and low-cost way to improve your health and well-being. Spending time outside in nature is not only beneficial to our mental health, but we can usually fit some physical activity in as well! Being outside can have a calming effect as it allows you to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature and take a break from what can often be our stressful day-to-day.


  • Exposure to Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a vitamin that is crucial to our health and our bodies can produce it when we are exposed to sunlight! It is an important vitamin for our immune systems, bone health and may even have protective effects against chronic conditions such as stroke, heart attacks, and depression. It is estimated that 40% of American adults are deficient in vitamin D but fortunately, your body can produce all the vitamin D you need in only about 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure.
  • Opportunity to fit in some physical activity: You don't need to be in a gym to move your body! Take your physical activity outside with a walk, a bike ride, yard work, or any other activity that gets you moving and that you enjoy!
  • Improved mood: Studies have shown that spending time outside can lower levels of cortisol in your body, which is a hormone related to stress. Spending time outside can allow you to relax, take a deep breath and ease the anxiety and tension of a busy day. The light we are exposed to when we spend time outside can also assist in elevating our mood.
  • A break for your eyes: If you are someone who spends most of their day looking at a computer screen you may find that spending time outside can give your eyes something new to focus on. Taking a break outside may also assist with the negative side effects of looking at a screen too long, i.e., blurred vision, tired eyes, and headaches.
  • Better brain function: Getting outside has been linked to higher levels of concentration, creativity, and mental clarity. If you can, take a quick break and get outside during your workday!
  • Increased energy: Typically spending time outside in the sunshine is energizing and even more so if we are outside to engage in some physical activity.

The next time you feel like you've had a stressful day or are aiming to fit in some physical activity, consider getting outside! Don't forget to dress appropriately for the weather, bring along a loved one or a pet if you'd like, and have fun!