Using Foods to Increase Energy

Person standing outside covering face



We've all woken up some mornings feeling sluggish, or have hit that afternoon, post-lunch wall of exhaustion. To perk ourselves up, many of us reach for caffeine or coffee to provide some energy but that isn't always the best option. The right combinations and types of food can provide energy that is long-lasting and will help power us through our day!



  • Eating regularly (including breakfast!) can help keep our metabolism moving and prevent us from feeling starved in between meals, which can lead to mindless snacking or overeating. Think of your body as a car and food as the fuel you put in it to function properly. Keeping your hunger at bay by regularly eating will help you to feel energized and focused throughout the day.
  • When snacking in-between meals, select snacks that contain protein and fiber. These components will ensure you will finish your snack feeling satisfied, energized and will keep you full until your next meal. It is important to keep in mind that snacks are not meant for you to be uncomfortably full; they are a way to keep you from being hungry until your next meal.
  • Make sure you are eating a well-balanced and wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Ensuring that your food choices are varied and nutrient-dense will keep you energized and satisfied after each meal and snack.
  •  While you want to fuel up with a variety of healthy foods, skip on foods and drinks with lots of added sugars. Added sugar may provide you with a quick burst of energy, but after that spike, your energy levels will drop leaving you feeling tired.