Leptin and Ghrelin: Two See-Saw Hormones that Affect Your Weight

Variety of food on table

Leptin and ghrelin are two hormones in the body that have an impact on our hunger levels and our ability to gain and lose weight. 
Leptin is released from fat cells in our bodies and its job is to tell your brain when you have enough fat stored and that you don't need to continue eating. The more fat cells that are present, the more leptin is produced, so individuals who are obese also have high levels of leptin. However, overweight individuals do not respond to their bodies' leptin signals, despite having excess amounts of it. This is known as leptin resistance and is thought to be a biological contributor to obesity. Leptin resistance does not allow leptin's fullness cues to reach the brain causing the body to think it is starving. This false information will increase hunger and decrease the number of calories burned at rest to save energy and prevent starvation.
Ghrelin does the opposite of leptin; it signals hunger to your brain. It is produced in your stomach and its main job is to ensure your body takes in more calories and stores fat. The higher your ghrelin levels are, the hungrier you will feel. The lower your ghrelin levels are, the less hungry you feel. It is thought that overweight individuals may be more sensitive to ghrelin's effects due to a highly active ghrelin receptor which can lead to increased food intake. Despite how much body fat you have, when you start a restrictive way of eating, ghrelin levels increase causing you to feel hungrier. This is your body trying to prevent starvation.
While you may feel like these hormones are sabotaging your weight loss attempts, there are steps you can take to maintain healthy levels of both.

  • Make quality sleep a priority:  Poor sleep can cause leptin resistance and increased ghrelin levels. 
  • Consume a consistently healthy diet: A balanced, varied diet can help protect against obesity and keep hormone levels steady. 
  • Participate in physical activity: Physical activity is associated with hormone balance.
  • Avoid drastic weight losses and gains: Cyclic weight loss and gain have been known to disrupt hormones. Focus on consistent, sustainable changes to your health and your weight.