Sugar Sweetened Drinks

Glass of cola with ice and straw

Sugar-sweetened drinks are just what their name implies; beverages that have been sweetened with added sugar. While these drinks can be a tasty treat every once in a while, they are not a healthy choice for every day. The calories in sugar-sweetened drinks do little to quench your thirst, may contribute to weight gain, drastic swings in blood sugar levels, and provide very little to no nutritional benefits.

Anything with added sugar is a sugar-sweetened drink. This can include sports beverages, sodas, juice, sweetened tea, coffee drinks, and energy drinks. Some of these drinks may seem like they are full of good-for-you additives such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and electrolytes, but their sugar content should not be overlooked. Individuals who regularly consume sugar-sweetened drinks are more likely to experience obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and develop cavities. In addition, children who regularly consume sugar-sweetened drinks are at a higher risk to become overweight or obese.
Rethink your drink with some tips and tricks to consume less sugar-sweetened beverages. 

  • When thirsty chose water over other beverages; if plain water bores you, give sparkling a try.
  • Add lemon, cucumber, or another favorite fruit, vegetable, or herb to your water to jazz up the flavor.
  • If you find you need a little something more, chose drinks that are lower in sugar such as kombucha, milk and milk alternatives, or 100% fruit or vegetable juice. 
  • Carry a water bottle with you to sip from throughout your day and combat your thirst. 
  • Drink unsweetened tea iced or hot. 
  • If purchasing coffee on the go, skip the flavored syrups and creams. 

lemon and water in clear pitcher and glass