Weight Fluctuations and Menstrual Cycle

stepping on scale


A weight-loss journey can be frustrating and challenging for many reasons, especially when your weight increases or decreases for what feels like no reason. Fluctuating numbers on the scale can make you feel like all of your efforts are being thwarted, but short-term changes in your weight during your menstrual cycle are completely normal. While every woman's body is unique, many can see anywhere from two to five or six pounds of weight gain around their monthly cycle. Again, while frustrating, this is totally normal. Below are four elements that you can blame for the fluctuations:

1. Hormones
Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones found in the female body which increase during your menstrual cycle and high levels of both cause your body to retain water. If you step on the scale this water retention will look like you have gained weight. Water retention can also cause you to feel bloated and feel as if you've gained a few extra pounds. 

2. Food cravings
Typically the cravings that hit us around our menstrual cycles are sugary, fatty, and salty as opposed to fresh fruits and veggies. Consuming foods high in salt and simple sugary carbohydrates lead to water retention in the body, which again when you step on the scale it will look as if you've gained weight.

3. Digestive Issues
Many women experience digestive tract issues around their monthly cycles due to hormone fluctuations. Issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, and gas are common and can lead to water retention and bloating.

4. Lack of Physical Activity
Due to lower energy levels during your monthly cycle, moving your body and being active may be the last thing you'd like to do. The less active you are the less likely you are to sweat, which can cause you to lose water weight. Lack of physical activity may also lead to bloating and feelings of weight gain.
It is important to remember that with period weight gain, no actual weight is being gained and typically once your menstrual cycle is over your weight will return to the number you typically see on the scale. During your cycle make sure to drink plenty of water which will help you to stay hydrated which can reduce water retention - even though it seems like it won't! If you are concerned about excessive weight gain during your menstrual cycle we encourage you to speak to your doctor.