Weight Loss in Men and Women

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Regardless of gender, the weight loss journey is extremely personal. Every individual's body is unique and what works for you may not work well for someone else. Men and women have several physical differences, one of which is the way that both of the genders respond to weight loss.


Due to higher amounts of testosterone, men are bigger and have more muscle mass than women, allowing them to have an easier time staying fit and healthy. The design of their hormones translates into a lower percentage of fat and a higher percentage of muscle. While women do not naturally have as much muscle as men, they can increase their muscle mass and burn more calories by strength training two to three times a week. 

Body Shape

Weight gain in men will typically occur in the mid section around their stomach, as opposed to women’s weight gain, which will typically occur in the hips. That extra weight around the mid section will unfortunately translate into a higher risk of developing heart disease. However, weight loss around the mid section can result in improved metabolic rates, which in turn helps increase calorie burn. Weight loss around the hips unfortunately does not affect the metabolic rate. 

Calorie Intake

When eating their usual daily diet, men typically consume more calories than women. So, when they change their eating habits to lose weight and decrease calories, they usually have a larger calorie deficit than women, resulting in a more rapid weight loss.