Mental Health and High BMI

Woman who appears sad


Can BMI impact My Emotions?

Many of us know that having a high BMI, in the overweight range and above, is linked to physical health issues, such as chronic disease and pain. But, did you know that being overweight can harm our emotional health as well? Overweight individuals have an increased likelihood of negative emotional health, including mood and anxiety disorders. 

Being overweight can lead to negative feelings about one's body and harmful self-talk. Overweight individuals may also feel they experience judgment from society and are attached to a stigma regarding high BMI and body weight. In addition, if an individual is experiencing chronic disease or pain from being overweight, that is another risk factor for negative emotional health. All of these experiences may leave individuals with low self-esteem, feelings of judgment, and a higher likelihood of anxiety and depression. 

Anxiety in individuals is excessive worry and can stem from a feeling of judgment, stigma, stress regarding health problems, and low-self esteem. Anxious feelings may bubble up surrounding these topics (or others!) and the individual cannot seem to control their thoughts. Some researchers also believe that anxiety has biological roots. Experiencing anxiety is linked to a part in the brain called the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis. The HPA axis is involved in regulating our emotions and when it is not functioning properly it can lead to increased appetite which may lead to weight gain. This starts a cycle of weight gain, negative emotional feelings, poor eating choices, and more weight gain.

Depression is a deep sadness and loss of interest in enjoyable activities. Studies on the relationship between depression and obesity have found that often having depression can lead to being overweight and that being overweight may also lead to depression; the two are interconnected. For individuals living with depression, food may be a way to handle negative feelings, which may lead to weight gain. 

Fortunately, there are steps to take to improve both your physical and mental health, and the Sensable Health program is going to help you take and achieve those steps!