Low Carb Diets

There are many different types of diets and eating patterns that focus on reducing carbohydrates. Decreasing your intake of carbohydrates is an important step in lowering your set point, so we are going to review several of the most common low-carb plans.

Using Foods to Increase Energy

We've all woken up some mornings feeling sluggish, or have hit that afternoon, post-lunch wall of exhaustion. To perk ourselves up, many of us reach for caffeine or coffee to provide some energy but that isn't always the best option. The right combinations and types of food can provide energy that is long-lasting and will help power us through our day!

Keeping a Food Journal

Keeping track of what you eat each day by keeping a food journal is a powerful way to gain insight into your eating habits. It will help you to identify which foods you regularly consume and will assist in identifying any triggers that may exist, such as stress eating or eating out of boredom rather than hunger.

The Five Stages of Sleep

As humans, we experience five stages of sleep during our sleep cycles each night which are crucial to our health, well-being, and cognitive function. These five stages are divided into rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep. Continue reading to learn more about each of the five stages!

Buying Local Food

Local food is food that is grown, raised, and manufactured within a short distance (typically 100 miles) of where it is purchased and consumed. Locally grown and purchased food has many benefits, not only for your health but for your community and the planet.

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