What About Eggs?

At about 78 calories each, eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins, can add a nutrient and flavor boost to a meal, and are convenient to take hard-boiled when on the go. With all these benefits, eggs are also known for their cholesterol content. Typically, a normal-sized egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol in its yolk and the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines recommend that cholesterol consumption be as low as possible. An important factor, in choosing to include eggs in your diet, is to be aware of your risk factors and pay attention to the amount of dietary cholesterol in your diet.

Changing Your Mindset Around Physical Activity

Reframing the way you think about physical activity and moving your body can have widespread benefits on your overall health, well-being, and self-care mindset. Viewing physical activity in a negative light and as punishment can begin early in our lives. Can you recall a childhood gym class or sports practice where running was used as the consequence of misbehavior or not arriving on time? The idea that physical activity is something that we must do because we behaved badly is a crucial mindset to change.

Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets are blankets filled with pellets, weighted discs, or glass beads which makes them heavier than regular blankets. When lying under one, they apply pressure to the body to help promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

Physical Activity That Requires No Equipment

Sometimes the idea of being active can feel daunting. Unfamiliar equipment, expensive gym memberships, and loud environments can seem like frustrating barriers. Fortunately, being active and participating in physical activity does not have to mean stepping foot into a gym. You can move your body just as effectively at home using your body weight or items you probably have on hand. Keep reading for some inspiration on how to participate in physical activity using no equipment!

Pets in Bed

We love our furry family members and many of us sleep with them every night. Individuals who do not suffer from sleeping issues may find it perfectly fine to share a bed with their pets. However, many others who experience difficulty falling and staying asleep might consider the unthinkable: banishing their pet from their bedroom at night.

The Benefits of Family Meals and Eating with Others

In our busy lives, many people are eating fewer meals with their friends and/or family and instead are having a rushed bite standing at their counter, at their desk in-between emails, in their car on the go, or in front of the TV at the end of a long day. While we may think we are saving time multitasking with our grab-and-go approach, what we're doing is missing out on the advantages of communal eating and preparing meals at home. Eating and cooking with loved ones creates a shared experience that is not only meaningful but can provide a variety of health and stress-related benefits.

Physical Activity Can Be Fun!

Anything that gets you moving can be physical activity. There are also days that you may need to take it easier but still move your body. Don’t skip your physical activity unless absolutely necessary. You’re making great progress and we don’t want skipping physical activity to become a habit.

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